Dear colleagues,
Many of you will already be aware that RTPI Cymru is initiating an annual planning conference for
A brochure can be accessed at the following link:
RTPI Cymru is inviting academic staff within the University to register for and attend the
Neil Harris
Lecturer in Statutory Planning
Cardiff School of City and Regional Planning
(T) 029 2087 6222
(F) 029 2087 4845
Further details and personal page via

About Me
- Regeneration Institute
- Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
- Co-directors: Prof Gareth Williams, Dr Bob Smith, Prof Kevin Morgan, Dr Gabrielle Ivinson and Dr Gill Bristow - Research centre managers: Dr Dean Stroud ( and Dr Rebecca Edwards ( - 029 2087 6412 - Glamorgan Building, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, Wales, CF10 3WA
Friday, 13 June 2008
Newton International Fellowships
Advance Announcement
Newton International Fellowships
The Newton International Fellowships will be the pre-eminent award for
postdoctoral researchers wishing to undertake research in the UK. The
Fellowships will be launched on 4 June 2008 and will be run by the British
Academy, the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society to cover the
broad range of natural and social sciences, engineering and the humanities.
Newton International Fellowships aim to attract the world*s best post-doctoral
researchers to Britain for a period of one to two years. Funding for follow-on
activities will continue for up to ten years after the Newton International
Fellows have returned overseas, with the aim of maintaining links with the UK.
In addition, Newton Fellows will have the opportunity to join a national alumni
scheme for international fellows run by RCUK.
More details will be available from the Newton International Fellowships
website, which will go live on 4th June:
Newton International Fellowships
6-9 Carlton House Terrace
London SW1Y 5AG
tel: +44 (0)20 7451 2598
fax: +44 (0)20 7451 2543
The British Academy
10 Carlton House
London SW1Y 5AH
Tel: 020 7969 5200
Fax: 020 7969 5300
Newton International Fellowships
The Newton International Fellowships will be the pre-eminent award for
postdoctoral researchers wishing to undertake research in the UK. The
Fellowships will be launched on 4 June 2008 and will be run by the British
Academy, the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society to cover the
broad range of natural and social sciences, engineering and the humanities.
Newton International Fellowships aim to attract the world*s best post-doctoral
researchers to Britain for a period of one to two years. Funding for follow-on
activities will continue for up to ten years after the Newton International
Fellows have returned overseas, with the aim of maintaining links with the UK.
In addition, Newton Fellows will have the opportunity to join a national alumni
scheme for international fellows run by RCUK.
More details will be available from the Newton International Fellowships
website, which will go live on 4th June:
Newton International Fellowships
6-9 Carlton House Terrace
London SW1Y 5AG
tel: +44 (0)20 7451 2598
fax: +44 (0)20 7451 2543
The British Academy
10 Carlton House
London SW1Y 5AH
Tel: 020 7969 5200
Fax: 020 7969 5300
Population Projections: Launch Events
Population Projections: Launch Events
On 30 June the Statistical Directorate of the Welsh Assembly Government will publish population projections for the 22 unitary authorities in Wales. This is the first time that population projections have been available for these areas.
Population projections provide a picture of future populations based on assumptions about births, deaths and migration. These assumptions are based on recent trends.
When / where?
Dylan Thomas Centre in Swansea on Tuesday 8 July 2008 (10:00 until 3:00)
Conwy Business Centre on Wednesday 9 July 2008 (10:00 until 3:00)
Who should attend?
Those who plan for the future, to deliver services and to help frame sustainable policies, need to consider the population by age and gender. If you need to know about how many people of what ages are likely to be in a local authority area over the next 25 years or if you just need a general overview of projections and how they are used, then these workshops are suitable for you.
Outline of day
The day will provide some broad overview of the methodology used for the bottom-up projections for Welsh local authorities:
Explain what population projections are,
Explain the collaborative approach taken to produce the projections,
Discuss the main findings,
Explore the potential uses for the projections,
Question and answers with the production team, and
Discussion groups to develop your knowledge and understanding of the use of projections for your work.
(There will be more technical seminars, on the methodology and for those wishing to produce their own projections, later in the year.)
To reserve your place:
Please complete a registration form at:
Amcanestyniadau Poblogaeth: Lawnsio
Ar 30 Mehefin, bydd Cyfarwyddiaeth Ystadegol Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru yn cyhoeddi amcanestyniadau poblogaeth ar gyfer 22 awdurdod unedol Cymru. Dyma'r tro cyntaf y bydd amcanestyniadau poblogaeth ar gael ar gyfer yr ardaloedd yma.
Mae amcanestyniadau poblogaeth yn rhoi darlun o boblogaeth y dyfodol ac maent wedi'u seilio ar dybiaethau yngl*n â genedigaethau, marwolaethau ac ymfudiad. Mae'r tybiaethau yma yn seiliedig ar dueddiadau diweddar.
Ble / pryd?
Canolfan Dylan Thomas yn Abertawe - Dydd Mawrth 8 Gorffennaf 2008 (10:00 hyd 3:00)
Canolfan Fusnes Conwy - Dydd Mercher 9 Gorffennaf 2008 (10:00 hyd 3:00)
Pwy ddylai fynychu?
Dylai unrhyw un sy'n cynllunio ar gyfer y dyfodol, darparu gwasanaethau a llunio pholisïau cynaliadwy ystyried y boblogaeth fesul oed a rhyw. Os ydych yn dymuno gwybod faint o bobl o ba oedran sy'n debygol o fod ymhob awdurdod dros y 25 mlynedd nesaf, neu os ydych yn dymuno cael braslun o'r amcanestyniadau a sut gellid eu defnyddio, yna mae'r gweithdy hwn yn addas ar eich cyfer chi.
Amlinelliad o'r diwrnod
Byddwn yn darparu trosolwg o'r dulliau a ddefnyddiwyd ar gyfer yr amcanestyniadau awdurdodau lleol:
Esbonio bydd yw amcanestyniadau poblogaeth,
Esbonio'r dull cydweithredol ar gyfer cynhyrchu'r amcanestyniadau
Trafod y prif ddarganfyddiadau,
Ystyried defnyddiau posib yr amcanestyniadau
Sesiwn cwestiwn ac ateb gyda'r tîm cynhyrchu, a
Grwpiau trafod i ddatblygu gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth o'r defnydd o amcanestyniadau yn eich gwaith.
(Bydd seminarau mwy technegol ar y fethodoleg, ac i'r rhai sy'n dymuno cynhyrchu amcanestyniadau eu hunain, yn cael eu cynnal yn hwyrach yn ystod y flwyddyn)
I drefnu'ch lle:
Cwblhewch y ffurflen gofrestru:
On 30 June the Statistical Directorate of the Welsh Assembly Government will publish population projections for the 22 unitary authorities in Wales. This is the first time that population projections have been available for these areas.
Population projections provide a picture of future populations based on assumptions about births, deaths and migration. These assumptions are based on recent trends.
When / where?
Dylan Thomas Centre in Swansea on Tuesday 8 July 2008 (10:00 until 3:00)
Conwy Business Centre on Wednesday 9 July 2008 (10:00 until 3:00)
Who should attend?
Those who plan for the future, to deliver services and to help frame sustainable policies, need to consider the population by age and gender. If you need to know about how many people of what ages are likely to be in a local authority area over the next 25 years or if you just need a general overview of projections and how they are used, then these workshops are suitable for you.
Outline of day
The day will provide some broad overview of the methodology used for the bottom-up projections for Welsh local authorities:
Explain what population projections are,
Explain the collaborative approach taken to produce the projections,
Discuss the main findings,
Explore the potential uses for the projections,
Question and answers with the production team, and
Discussion groups to develop your knowledge and understanding of the use of projections for your work.
(There will be more technical seminars, on the methodology and for those wishing to produce their own projections, later in the year.)
To reserve your place:
Please complete a registration form at:
Amcanestyniadau Poblogaeth: Lawnsio
Ar 30 Mehefin, bydd Cyfarwyddiaeth Ystadegol Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru yn cyhoeddi amcanestyniadau poblogaeth ar gyfer 22 awdurdod unedol Cymru. Dyma'r tro cyntaf y bydd amcanestyniadau poblogaeth ar gael ar gyfer yr ardaloedd yma.
Mae amcanestyniadau poblogaeth yn rhoi darlun o boblogaeth y dyfodol ac maent wedi'u seilio ar dybiaethau yngl*n â genedigaethau, marwolaethau ac ymfudiad. Mae'r tybiaethau yma yn seiliedig ar dueddiadau diweddar.
Ble / pryd?
Canolfan Dylan Thomas yn Abertawe - Dydd Mawrth 8 Gorffennaf 2008 (10:00 hyd 3:00)
Canolfan Fusnes Conwy - Dydd Mercher 9 Gorffennaf 2008 (10:00 hyd 3:00)
Pwy ddylai fynychu?
Dylai unrhyw un sy'n cynllunio ar gyfer y dyfodol, darparu gwasanaethau a llunio pholisïau cynaliadwy ystyried y boblogaeth fesul oed a rhyw. Os ydych yn dymuno gwybod faint o bobl o ba oedran sy'n debygol o fod ymhob awdurdod dros y 25 mlynedd nesaf, neu os ydych yn dymuno cael braslun o'r amcanestyniadau a sut gellid eu defnyddio, yna mae'r gweithdy hwn yn addas ar eich cyfer chi.
Amlinelliad o'r diwrnod
Byddwn yn darparu trosolwg o'r dulliau a ddefnyddiwyd ar gyfer yr amcanestyniadau awdurdodau lleol:
Esbonio bydd yw amcanestyniadau poblogaeth,
Esbonio'r dull cydweithredol ar gyfer cynhyrchu'r amcanestyniadau
Trafod y prif ddarganfyddiadau,
Ystyried defnyddiau posib yr amcanestyniadau
Sesiwn cwestiwn ac ateb gyda'r tîm cynhyrchu, a
Grwpiau trafod i ddatblygu gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth o'r defnydd o amcanestyniadau yn eich gwaith.
(Bydd seminarau mwy technegol ar y fethodoleg, ac i'r rhai sy'n dymuno cynhyrchu amcanestyniadau eu hunain, yn cael eu cynnal yn hwyrach yn ystod y flwyddyn)
I drefnu'ch lle:
Cwblhewch y ffurflen gofrestru:
'The Ideal City' Conference
The Ideal City - new perspectives for the 21st century
October 11-14 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
What is the Ideal City?
Amsterdam is known as the ideal city for the 21st Century when measured by
the standard of social justice, environmentalism, planning and design. We
are sponsoring a conference in beautiful Amsterdam (October 11 to 14) and a
scholarly book that will explore what is the ideal approach to housing, drug
laws, transportation, prostitution, environmentalism,crime, brown fields,
and urban design. Indeed, Amsterdam is a laboratory of innovation that
provides a model for the rest of the world. But we also believe that other
cities can also give us innovative, smart, bold and brash ideas as well. We
welcome a range of policy ideas from around the world to help improve the
human condition.
Conference themes
Social justice
Green planning and architecture
Biking and walking
Accessibility for the disabled and elderly
Health care
Ideal city in history
Socialist city
Is Amsterdam the ideal city?
Non-petroleum forms of transportation
Faith, race, and gender
Utopian visions
Sexual, political and personal freedom
Creative City
Integrating income, races, and faiths
Which world city is the ideal?
Call for Proposals
Research Papers - Completed research papers in any of the topic areas listed
Abstracts - Abstracts of completed or proposed research in any of the topic
areas listed above, or related areas. The abstract for proposed research
should include the research objectives, proposed methodology, and a
discussion of expected outcomes.
Professionals in the field - Research done by professionals in any of the
topic areas listed above, or related areas.
Case Studies - Case studies in any of the topic areas listed above, or
related areas.
Work-in-Progress Reports or Proposals for Future Research - Incomplete
research or ideas for future research in order to generate discussion and
feedback in any of the topic areas listed above, or related areas.
Reports on Issues Related to Teaching - Reports related to innovative
instruction techniques or research related to teaching in any of the topic
areas listed above, or related areas.
Email your abstract and/or paper, along with a title page, to Decision of submissions will be acknowledged via email
within 48 hours.
Planners, architects, elected officials, policy makers, environmentalists,
along with college students and Professors concerned with what the "ideal
city" should look like.
Why Amsterdam for a conference on the ideal City?
Amsterdam is known as the "Venice of the North." Progressives have called
Amsterdam an ideal city when measured by the standard of social justice.
Holland has what many call a "radical," "progressive," "unique" and for some
a "sinful" approach to housing, drug laws, transportation, prostitution,
crime, brown fields, and urban design. The Netherlands has turned our
American urban policy and planning programs upside down and found innovative
ways to solve social problems. Many American visitors who come to Holland
come away shocked, amazed, impressed and changed forever. Holland is
controversial. Indeed, Amsterdam is a laboratory of innovation that provides
a national model for the rest of the world. It's a place where we can honor
their successes and learn from their errors in urban policy and planning.
Without a doubt, Holland is also the home of world class architecture that
is envied around the world.
The conference website and further information can be found at:
October 11-14 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
What is the Ideal City?
Amsterdam is known as the ideal city for the 21st Century when measured by
the standard of social justice, environmentalism, planning and design. We
are sponsoring a conference in beautiful Amsterdam (October 11 to 14) and a
scholarly book that will explore what is the ideal approach to housing, drug
laws, transportation, prostitution, environmentalism,crime, brown fields,
and urban design. Indeed, Amsterdam is a laboratory of innovation that
provides a model for the rest of the world. But we also believe that other
cities can also give us innovative, smart, bold and brash ideas as well. We
welcome a range of policy ideas from around the world to help improve the
human condition.
Conference themes
Social justice
Green planning and architecture
Biking and walking
Accessibility for the disabled and elderly
Health care
Ideal city in history
Socialist city
Is Amsterdam the ideal city?
Non-petroleum forms of transportation
Faith, race, and gender
Utopian visions
Sexual, political and personal freedom
Creative City
Integrating income, races, and faiths
Which world city is the ideal?
Call for Proposals
Research Papers - Completed research papers in any of the topic areas listed
Abstracts - Abstracts of completed or proposed research in any of the topic
areas listed above, or related areas. The abstract for proposed research
should include the research objectives, proposed methodology, and a
discussion of expected outcomes.
Professionals in the field - Research done by professionals in any of the
topic areas listed above, or related areas.
Case Studies - Case studies in any of the topic areas listed above, or
related areas.
Work-in-Progress Reports or Proposals for Future Research - Incomplete
research or ideas for future research in order to generate discussion and
feedback in any of the topic areas listed above, or related areas.
Reports on Issues Related to Teaching - Reports related to innovative
instruction techniques or research related to teaching in any of the topic
areas listed above, or related areas.
Email your abstract and/or paper, along with a title page, to Decision of submissions will be acknowledged via email
within 48 hours.
Planners, architects, elected officials, policy makers, environmentalists,
along with college students and Professors concerned with what the "ideal
city" should look like.
Why Amsterdam for a conference on the ideal City?
Amsterdam is known as the "Venice of the North." Progressives have called
Amsterdam an ideal city when measured by the standard of social justice.
Holland has what many call a "radical," "progressive," "unique" and for some
a "sinful" approach to housing, drug laws, transportation, prostitution,
crime, brown fields, and urban design. The Netherlands has turned our
American urban policy and planning programs upside down and found innovative
ways to solve social problems. Many American visitors who come to Holland
come away shocked, amazed, impressed and changed forever. Holland is
controversial. Indeed, Amsterdam is a laboratory of innovation that provides
a national model for the rest of the world. It's a place where we can honor
their successes and learn from their errors in urban policy and planning.
Without a doubt, Holland is also the home of world class architecture that
is envied around the world.
The conference website and further information can be found at:
Conference on Climate Change and Urban Design
Final Reminder. Apologies for cross postings.
Following successful Congresses in Berlin 2005 and Leeds 2006,
the Council for European Urbanism – C.E.U. - will hold its third international congress in Oslo, Norway from the
14th to 16th September 2008.
The congress will discuss the rapidly-evolving topic of "Climate Change and Urban Design", and the latest implications in science, policy, education and best practice.
While our focus is on European place-making we will explore urban design examples from around the globe that offer opportunities to address critical climate change issues.
The four C.E.U. congress themes:
Climate Change and Science:
What we know
What is the scientific evidence for or against particular links between urban form and contributions of greenhouse gases? What are the interrelationships? What are the pitfalls in research, and in its application? Papers will survey previous literature and/or present new research. We will explore the implications for further inter-disciplinary and inter-institutional research.
Climate Change and Public Policy:
What we must do
What are the steps being taken to address the contribution of urban design on climate change through public policy, and how well are they succeeding? What steps are being taken to mitigate initial diseconomies, create new incentives, ease regulatory restrictions, and shift market behaviour? What new tools are available - codes, certifications, trading systems, incentives?
Climate Change and Education:
How we will disseminate the skills to do it
How should academic and other institutions respond to the climate change agenda? How should design schools respond to the challenge? What alternative curricula are implied or required? How can curriculum reforms tie this agenda to wider social and environmental challenges?
Climate Change and Best Practice
in Urban Design:
How we will implement it
What are the implications of climate change research for new standards of best practice? What does the evolving evidence suggest about the relative importance of such parameters as density, transit modes, mixed use, building height, social diversity, the relationship to agricultural lands and wilderness, and others? What about the relative benefits of retrofit versus new construction? How can best practice address issues of market acceptance and consumer choice? We will examine promising pilot projects from around the world, and evaluate their successes, weaknesses, and next steps in research and development.
Following successful Congresses in Berlin 2005 and Leeds 2006,
the Council for European Urbanism – C.E.U. - will hold its third international congress in Oslo, Norway from the
14th to 16th September 2008.
The congress will discuss the rapidly-evolving topic of "Climate Change and Urban Design", and the latest implications in science, policy, education and best practice.
While our focus is on European place-making we will explore urban design examples from around the globe that offer opportunities to address critical climate change issues.
The four C.E.U. congress themes:
Climate Change and Science:
What we know
What is the scientific evidence for or against particular links between urban form and contributions of greenhouse gases? What are the interrelationships? What are the pitfalls in research, and in its application? Papers will survey previous literature and/or present new research. We will explore the implications for further inter-disciplinary and inter-institutional research.
Climate Change and Public Policy:
What we must do
What are the steps being taken to address the contribution of urban design on climate change through public policy, and how well are they succeeding? What steps are being taken to mitigate initial diseconomies, create new incentives, ease regulatory restrictions, and shift market behaviour? What new tools are available - codes, certifications, trading systems, incentives?
Climate Change and Education:
How we will disseminate the skills to do it
How should academic and other institutions respond to the climate change agenda? How should design schools respond to the challenge? What alternative curricula are implied or required? How can curriculum reforms tie this agenda to wider social and environmental challenges?
Climate Change and Best Practice
in Urban Design:
How we will implement it
What are the implications of climate change research for new standards of best practice? What does the evolving evidence suggest about the relative importance of such parameters as density, transit modes, mixed use, building height, social diversity, the relationship to agricultural lands and wilderness, and others? What about the relative benefits of retrofit versus new construction? How can best practice address issues of market acceptance and consumer choice? We will examine promising pilot projects from around the world, and evaluate their successes, weaknesses, and next steps in research and development.
Monday, 9 June 2008
Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy
Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy
Editor-in-Chief: John C.H. Stillwell & Mark Birkin
- The journal has an applied focus: it actively promotes the
importance of geographical research in real world settings
- It is policy-relevant: it seeks both a readership and
contributions from practitioners as well as academics
- The substantive foundation is spatial analysis: the use
of quantitative techniques to identify patterns and
processes within geographic environments
- The combination of these points, which are fully reflected
in the naming of the journal, establishes a unique position
in the marketplace.
Online Version:
Start Reading:
Volume 1: Issue 1
- Editorial: The Case for ASAP
John Stillwell and Mark Birkin
- A Toolkit for Measuring Sprawl
Paul M. Torrens
- Multi-Criteria Sensor Placement for Emergency Response
Frank Southworth
- Primary Schools, Markets and Choice: Studying Polarization
and the Core Catchment Areas of Schools
Richard Harris and Ron Johnston
Would you like to be informed when the next
issue appears online?
Sign up for Springer ToC Alerts! Receive the Table
of Contents of each issue as soon as it is published.
Signing up is easy. All you need to do is visit
the journal's homepage and fill out your email
address in the grey box on the right hand side.
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More Information:
- Aims & Scope
- Editorial Board
Submit your research online via Editorial Manager
- Track your articles in real time!
- Easy & straightforward
- Visit:
Articles are published Online First guaranteeing
fast online publication of articles shortly
after their acceptance.
RSS New Products
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Enjoy your free access to the inaugural issue and we
look forward to seeing your contribution in one
of the future issues!
Jasper de Vaal
Product Manager
Human Sciences
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(c) Springer 2008,
----- Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht -----
Editor-in-Chief: John C.H. Stillwell & Mark Birkin
- The journal has an applied focus: it actively promotes the
importance of geographical research in real world settings
- It is policy-relevant: it seeks both a readership and
contributions from practitioners as well as academics
- The substantive foundation is spatial analysis: the use
of quantitative techniques to identify patterns and
processes within geographic environments
- The combination of these points, which are fully reflected
in the naming of the journal, establishes a unique position
in the marketplace.
Online Version:
Start Reading:
Volume 1: Issue 1
- Editorial: The Case for ASAP
John Stillwell and Mark Birkin
- A Toolkit for Measuring Sprawl
Paul M. Torrens
- Multi-Criteria Sensor Placement for Emergency Response
Frank Southworth
- Primary Schools, Markets and Choice: Studying Polarization
and the Core Catchment Areas of Schools
Richard Harris and Ron Johnston
Would you like to be informed when the next
issue appears online?
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of Contents of each issue as soon as it is published.
Signing up is easy. All you need to do is visit
the journal's homepage and fill out your email
address in the grey box on the right hand side.
More about the journal:
More Information:
- Aims & Scope
- Editorial Board
Submit your research online via Editorial Manager
- Track your articles in real time!
- Easy & straightforward
- Visit:
Articles are published Online First guaranteeing
fast online publication of articles shortly
after their acceptance.
RSS New Products
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Enjoy your free access to the inaugural issue and we
look forward to seeing your contribution in one
of the future issues!
Jasper de Vaal
Product Manager
Human Sciences
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