Dear All
I am forwarding a message from the organising committee of the fifth
symposium of COST Action 34: Gender and wellbeing: work, family and public
I have removed the attachments which accompanied the original message.
However, if you would like to view the call for papers, please do so by
visiting the GWB website at
With best wishes, Bernard.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the Fifth Symposium of the Action:
Social Movements and Well-Being (Amsterdam, 5th -7th March 2009), we are
delighted to inform you that the call for papers -you will find it attached-
has been opened.
We should be very grateful if you would circulate this call for papers
amongst the members of your national group and other experts you consider
they could be interested in participating in this Fifth Symposium.
In order to ensure a coherent programme of papers, we would like to ask
already everyone who wishes to take part to prepare a short abstract (400
words) containing the title of his/her paper and a summary of its main aims
and objectives. It is essential that we receive your title and abstract by
8th January, 2008.
The Organizing Committee will have to make a choice of papers as we would
like to work in plenary sessions to facilitate interdisciplinary and
international discussion. In the selection of papers, we will particularly
consider discussions addressing the issues within a national and perhaps
international context. Finally, we will give equal representation to
participating states to the symposium as the COST policies require.
Selection of abstracts will be communicated to authors in March 2008. Paper
givers should send their papers no later than 30th January, 2009.
Funds for this symposium are limited and, while we are hopeful of being able
to meet the travel and accommodation costs of as many participants as
possible, we may not be able to do this in all cases. It would therefore be
very helpful if you could provide an estimate of your likely travel costs,
together with an indication of any additional resources on which you may be
able to call. We will construct our own estimate of accommodation costs
based on standard COST allowances.
When submitting an abstract, please enter the text into the attached form
(ProposalForm.doc) and rename the document so that it can be easily
identified by the name or names of the author or authors (so, for example,
Antonella Picchio's abstract can be identified as
picchio-abstract5thsymposium.doc (or txt, or pdf)).
Please send your abstract by e-mail to:
Marcel van der Linden:
With copy to the secretariat:
For further information about the Symposium you can visit our website:

About Me
- Regeneration Institute
- Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
- Co-directors: Prof Gareth Williams, Dr Bob Smith, Prof Kevin Morgan, Dr Gabrielle Ivinson and Dr Gill Bristow - Research centre managers: Dr Dean Stroud ( and Dr Rebecca Edwards ( - 029 2087 6412 - Glamorgan Building, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, Wales, CF10 3WA
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
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