About Me

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Co-directors: Prof Gareth Williams, Dr Bob Smith, Prof Kevin Morgan, Dr Gabrielle Ivinson and Dr Gill Bristow - Research centre managers: Dr Dean Stroud (stroudda1@cf.ac.uk) and Dr Rebecca Edwards (edwardsrs1@cf.ac.uk) - 029 2087 6412 - Glamorgan Building, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, Wales, CF10 3WA

Monday, 26 November 2007

2008 EGRG Postgraduate Prizes!

Dear all

I would like announce the details of the 2008 postgraduate thesis competitions.
Each year, we award a £100 prize to the best Masters and PhD dissertations in
the field of economic geography (broadly defined). Previous winners are listed
on the EGRG website: http://www.econgeog.org.uk/pgprize.html

In order to be considered for this year's award, please forward a hard copy of
the thesis (any form of binding will do!) to me at the below address by the
31st January 2008. This must an absolutely final version of the thesis that has
already passed the degree for which it has been submitted at a UK institution.
If you have any doubts about eligibility, just drop me a line.

The theses will be reviewed by the EGRG committee and we will announce the
winners in March/April. Please forward this email to anyone who may be
interested but might not be on this listing (e.g. members of staff with
responsibilty for coordinating Masters courses).

With all good wishes

Neil M. Coe
School of Environment & Development
The University of Manchester
Arthur Lewis Building
Oxford Road
M13 9PL
Tel: 0161-275-3646
Email: neil.coe@manchester.ac.uk

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