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Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
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Monday, 19 November 2007

International Planning History Society, 2008 Conference Call for Papers

Note below that if you are planning to attend ACSP-AESOP Congress, July
2008 in Chicago, the IPHS conference begins the evening before the
Congress closes, IN SAME HOTEL, and with overlapping session. Consider
participating in both. Chris Silver



10-13 JULY 2008, CHICAGO, USA - Chicago Marriott Downtown
Magnificent Mile

Immediately Following ACSP-AESOP Joint Congress - Same
Hotel/Same Rate

Discounts fee for joint registration/Published Refereed

"Public versus private planning: themes, trends, and tensions"
The 2008 IPHS conference coincides with commemoration of the 100th
anniversary of the creation of the Burnham and Bennett Plan of Chicago,
a major landmark in modern planning history. This was a privately
produced plan ultimately adopted as public policy. The interplay between
the private interests of business, individuals and non-governmental
organisations versus the more public interests of the state evident in
the Plan of Chicago has been an enduring theme in the history of
The relationship has changed dramatically over time. In the pre-modern
era, public planning affected only a fraction of the built environment.
The 20th century saw a vast expansion in the practice of public planning
in almost all democratic societies. There has latterly been a major
reaction against purely public planning and a rehabilitation of the idea
of more private planning, often in the form of privatization, expanded
use of market mechanisms, and public-private partnerships. The 2008
IPHS conference seeks to shed light this creative tension within
planning history. As always, IPHS welcomes papers on all facets of
planning, urban and community history.
Single paper proposals, roundtables, and other modes of presentation are
invited. Pre-planned sessions with multiple participants on a topic are
welcome (each presenter must be fully covered in the submission).
Proposals should include an abstract of not more than two pages and an
abbreviated bibliography. A curriculum vitae of not more than two
pages, including contact information (email, phone and fax) is also
Submit by December 1, 2007 to iphs2008@dcp.ufl.edu (or by fax or mail to
address below). For more information about the conference themes and
submission process, visit the conference website at
http://www.dcp.ufl.edu/IPHS2008/participate.html. Further inquires
should be addressed to:
Dr. Christopher Silver
College of Design Construction and Planning
University of Florida, 331 Architecture Building
Gainesville, FL 32611 USA
Email: iphs2008@dcp.ufl.edu or silver2@dcp.ufl.edu
Fax 352-392-7266
Ph: 352-392-4836

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