About Me

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Co-directors: Prof Gareth Williams, Dr Bob Smith, Prof Kevin Morgan, Dr Gabrielle Ivinson and Dr Gill Bristow - Research centre managers: Dr Dean Stroud (stroudda1@cf.ac.uk) and Dr Rebecca Edwards (edwardsrs1@cf.ac.uk) - 029 2087 6412 - Glamorgan Building, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, Wales, CF10 3WA

Thursday, 13 December 2007

Subject: Whats Working in Community Development Conference. June 23rd-25th 2008

Subject: Whats Working in Community Development Conference. June 23rd-25th 2008

** Please circulate widely **

Hello friends and colleagues,

We are very pleased by the response to our upcoming conference, What's Working in Community Development, and we look forward to welcoming you to this special gathering. As you know, the conference is scheduled for June 23rd - 25th, 2008, at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada.

The pre-conference announcement can be downloaded from: http://www.horizonscda.ca/PDF%20Files/PreConfLo.pdf

Remember if you are submitting an abstract or presentation outline, we must receive it by December 31st, 2007. The call for abstracts/presentations can be downloaded from: http://www.horizonscda.ca/PDF%20Files/AbstractsLo.pdf

Due to popular demand, we have decided to open our on-line registration system now, instead of in February, as originally planned (the final conference program will be available in early February, after the abstracts have all been reviewed). The conference can accommodate 300 participants. 100 spaces are delegated for participants from Atlantic Canada,100 for participants from other parts of North America, and 100 from the other six UN regions in the world (Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Oceania). Spaces will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis, and then people will be placed on a waiting list in case quotas from other regions are not filled.

Here's how the registration system works:

* Follow this link to get started: http://www.horizonscda.ca/upcoming

* Look for the Conference Registration heading, and follow the instructions once you're there.

Looking forward to seeing you!

The Horizons Team

P.O. Box 2404 Wolfville NS, B4P 2S3

Phone: (902) 542-0156 Fax: (902) 542-4765

E-mail: admin@horizonscda.ca Web: www.horizonscda.ca

If you do not wish to receive further information from Horizons, please reply to this message quoting unsubscribe.

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