The Right to the City: new challenges, new issues
Vadstena Klosterhotell, Vadstena, Sweden
11-15 October 2008
Chair: Bernard Jouve, University of Lyon, France
Vice-Chair: Mark Purcell, University of Washington, US
Deadline for abstract submission: June 6th 2008
Full details are available here:
Preliminary Programme
As it has been largely documented, modern states are facing political rescaling processes in which
the roles and functions of the different levels of government are evolving. Thus city-regions are
becoming central economic and political territories in which a new division of labour is occurring
between the states and the local authorities. This tendency has been particularly analysed by the
economic literature but also by geography, sociology and political science. At the same time, there
is a large literature on the general tendency towards the pluralization of urban decision systems in
different institutional, cultural, political and economic contexts. To say it briefly, these processes
(i.e. political rescaling and participative democracy at local level) generate a new "right to the city":
the capacity to influence the agendas of urban public institutions by using "appropriate" demands
based on the formulation of rights recognized as legitimate by urban institutions. The on-going
process of the constitution of an "urban citizenship" involves a set of social demands which are, by
definition, contradictory in that sense that the "right to the city" must be linked to the social groups
and classes using it in order to organize themselves, to generate collective identity and collective
action. The work program of the Conference addresses a number of empirical subjects, all vectors
of a "right to the city". Its objective is to compare the effects of these dynamics on the content of
urban policies and on the transformation of citizenship regimes.
ESF Research Conferences provide the opportunity for the world's leading scientists and other
participants, including young researchers, to meet informally for discussions at the highest level on
the most recent developments in their fields of research. They act as a catalyst for creating new
synergistic contacts throughout Europe and the rest of the world. This conference will be of interest
to academic and policy researchers in the field of higher education and to researchers in other
relevant social science fields, e.g. science policy, regional development, governance, social equity.
The conference will take place at Vadstena Klosterhotel, located in a lovely natural setting on the
shores of beautiful lake Vättern, offering comfortable accommodation in a historic environment.
During the Middle Ages, Vadstena was the location of a catholic monastery for monks and nuns of
the Birgittine order and nowadays the conference center and hotel is largely located in the same
medieval buildings that were once the monastery.
Invited Speakers will include
Ernesto d'Albergo
University of Rome, IT
The right to the city and the role of national
Eugene McCann
Simon Fraser University, CA
Down here: situatedness, empowerement, and drug policy in
Vancouver, British Columbia
Rob Atkinson
University of the West of England, UK
The renaissance of urban areas: democracy,
community and everyday-life
Don Mitchell, Syracuse University, US and
Lynn Staeheli, Edinburgh University, UK
Rights to the city on the hill
Nuria Benach
University of Barcelona, ES
The impact of global flows on the meanings of
urban places and the right to the (imagined)
Ulrich Muckenberger
Hamburg University, DE
The right to an adequate urban time organisation - a
necessary component of urban citizenship in a postfordist
Mustafa Benletaeif
University of Tunis, TN
The right to the city in the urban policies in
Ludek Sykora
Charles University, CZ
Competition, cohesion and access to urban services
Nick Blomley
Simon Fraser University, CA
Public Space, civil engineering and the
deactivation of the right to the city
Erik Swyngedouw
University of Manchester, UK
The Antinomies of the Post-Political City: Questioning the
Political Right to the City
Kevin Cox
Ohio State University, US
Class, stratum and struggle for the city
Catherine Trudelle
Université du Québec à Montréal, CA
Collective action in cities: protest events and conflicts as
agents of human development?
Adrian Kearns
University of Glasgow, UK
Defining and Implementing Community Ownership
Empowerment: Policy Failure or Policy Evolution?

About Me
- Regeneration Institute
- Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
- Co-directors: Prof Gareth Williams, Dr Bob Smith, Prof Kevin Morgan, Dr Gabrielle Ivinson and Dr Gill Bristow - Research centre managers: Dr Dean Stroud ( and Dr Rebecca Edwards ( - 029 2087 6412 - Glamorgan Building, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, Wales, CF10 3WA
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
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